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Start the conversation and do more for women’s health.
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American Brand
- Our company is based in the United States and all of our customer care agents are US based as well.
<img alt=”K-fit Kegel Toner for Women – Electric Pelvic Muscle Exerciser for Automatic Kegels” src=”,182___.jpg”/>
<img alt=”K-fit Extended Electrode Probe” src=”,182___.jpg”/>
<img alt=”K-fit Kegel Toner Male Adaptor, Electric” src=”,182___.jpg”/>
<img alt=”K-fit Kegel Toner Loop Adaptor for Prolapse” src=”,182___.jpg”/>
K-fit Line of Products
- Visit the Store
<img alt=”daily routine” src=”,0,479,600_PT0_SX362_V1___.png”/>
- K-fit is convenient to use while performing other tasks.
<img alt=”doctor” src=”,220,2423,3032_PT0_SX362_V1___.jpg”/>
Doctor Recommended
- Isolating your pelvic floor muscles can be difficult, but K-fit does the work for you!
<img alt=”stress” src=”,0,3996,5000_PT0_SX362_V1___.jpg”/>
Stress Incontinence
- Stress incontinence occurs during strenuous activities such as lifting something, sneezing, jogging or even laughing.
<img alt=”urge” src=”,0,3708,4640_PT0_SX362_V1___.jpg”/>
Urge Incontinence
- Urge incontinence occurs as soon as the urge to urinate is felt and you may not be able to reach the restroom in time.
<img alt=”stress” src=”,0,3996,5000_PT0_SX362_V1___.jpg”/>
Mixed Urinary Incontinence
- Mixed urinary incontinence occurs when both stress and urge symptoms are present, either separately or at once.
What makes our products unique?
- K-fit has passed the rigorous testing required for FDA registration. Our products have been proven to be safe and efective when treating incontinence in women.
How did we get our start?
- In 2015, there were no afordable or easily accessible options for electric kegel toners, though millions of women searched for help. Filling this need became our founder’s passion.
What problem are we solving?
- Incontinence and muscle laxity are an issue that millions of women struggle with and rarely talk about. K-fit is the answer to a question so many of us are afraid to ask.
amous83 –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Process to figure out
I purchased this after doing some research on pelvic floor exercises. I do kegels but after having my son I feel I needed something more. My Dr. suggested a product like this so I began searching. I read through all the instructions which are well written but was still having issues feeling any current regardless of the position I was in. I went through the multiple programs and intensity and wasn’t feeling any stimulation. I believe it was more of a user issue on my part as I had to use some of the highest settings to feel anything but once I found the right setting, I let it do it’s thing. I’ve only done one session at this time so I will update later after more use.
36 people found this helpful
amous83 –
Ashley Poff –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Please buy this!
Y’all, I’m using it right now and it is AMAZING!!! I was hesitant to buy because of the price but LET ME TELL YOU!!!! I feel my insides doing some work right now and I am amazed that a product like this exists! This machine does all the work for you while you just sit and watch tv. I mean, I don’t have to squeeze anything or count anything, it does all the work. Y’all, my lady part is going to be stronger than Superman soon enough.
9 people found this helpful
Ashley Poff –
KMac –
5.0 out of 5 stars
It does the thing!!
I thought about buying this for a solid year before breaking down and purchasing it. It’s not a cheap gadget for someone tight on funds. I’m a lady in my late thirties, had two huge babies after which I experienced NO issues. No issues until I developed a chronic cough that destroyed my dignity/pelvic floor. I could not do enough damn kegels to come close to keeping things under control. Having to buy “special” pads because a strong cough or sneeze was more than I could handle was the last straw.Well let me tell you, I am so thrilled! After a week of using this religiously twice a day, I noticed I was not leaking with coughing. A week later- sneezing wasn’t an issue. I’m many weeks into using this now (less religiously than before, but still several times a week) and the damn pads are no longer needed. GONE! I am so incredibly happy about this!The technique that works for me: I went all-in and went with with program 9 (it’s a long one) from the start. Using lots of lubricant and ensuring the metal portions of the probe are completely covered with it, I insert it with the metal on the sides- as opposed to front and back- until there is about half a finger tip length outside of the body. I turn on the device, which has the last-used program ready, and turn up the intensity until it’s strong but not uncomfortable. For me, that was 40 at the beginning. If you feel “zapped” try to work with placement until you feel the squeeze instead- if that fails, more lube. Turn the device off before removing the probe to start over. Then I sit back and watch TV or play on the phone in bed until the program is over. Have wet wipes on hand to clean the probe well and tidy up. That’s it. You actually feel your muscles get a bit fatigued, which I never was able to attain with the kegels.Ladies, I cannot recommend this enough. I bet I could jump on a trampoline.I do not have a partner at the moment, so not much to comment on the sex front, but I can see how it could improve upon that as well.
72 people found this helpful
KMac –
Jessica Mack –
5.0 out of 5 stars
So far so good
I’ve only had this little gadget for a few days so I can’t speak to its durability but I can say that it works well. I bought it because I have a weak pelvic floor. I have been through physical therapy and they used a tens unit so I figured… for the price of one session of PT, I could just give this a try. So far… so good.
One person found this helpful
Jessica Mack –
Amazon Customer –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Wish I’d found this years ago!
I am so impressed with this device! Why on earth have t any of my doctors told me about it?! I’ve been religiously doing my kegels for years and must have been doing them completely wrong (even after working with a PT) because my issues (general perineal achy-ness, frequent urge to pee, leakage etc) has only been getting worse the older I get (I’m in my 40’s). I just admit, I got a bit over zealous the first week it came and was doing 3+ workouts a day which sometimes resulted in mild menstrual-like cramps, but in under 2 weeks I was already noticing huge changes in my comfort and leakage. I’m also noticing that I just generally feel “put back together” down there 🫢, and after getting my cycle for the first time after using the K-fit I discovered that my menstrual cramps were also improved! Maybe it’s just me, but this product has really helped a lot of aspects of having girl-parts that were making me uncomfortable. I’ve been telling all my friends lol. Hope my review helps!
9 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer –
Bromyard Court –
4.0 out of 5 stars
5 Hours on the clock =improvement!
Hi to give background of me, I had an 8.14 , 8.12 and just 8 weeks ago I had a 7.12 ounce baby! I was already VERY embarrassed of how loose I had become before I had my daughter 8 weeks ago.Things got a little better down there during the pregnancy because that’s just how it goes.I was TERRIFIEDof having sex after she was born and I was rightly worried…sex was humiliation and absolutey WAY LOOSER like I wanted to take a plastic surgeon hostage until he performed vaginoplasty! The next morning after sex for 1st time( after delivery) I ordered my kfit. and vowed not to let my husband near me until it came! Well guess what?? I used it 3 times literally 3 times and had sex and gosh I’m not lying it was DRASTICALLY tighter like I so mad I didn’t do it before we had sex! I skipped a few days used it 2 times had sex again andyes it has made me be able to feel comfortable with sex I am not mortified any more! I still want surgery cause I am a phene for surgery lol but yes this works no lies. I have only gotten up to 40 ma and use program 3. there have been 2 times it wouldn’t work at all just pulses like with no power and on the screen it is lit on next to “”cont” whatever that means but I’m actually using as I text and working fine:)
13 people found this helpful
Bromyard Court –
jbnruby2 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
What are you waiting for?
If you are experiencing any sort of incontinence you should get this immediately. I’m 55 and had prolapsed bladder and bowels repaired when I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago. I’ve had to wear a pad every day for over 10 years, and it was just getting worse. Sneezing, coughing, laughing, calling the dog (or anytime I raised my voice), tooting, it all caused a dribble or more. I got this on July 10, it is July 31 today, and I am pad free! I’ve used it twice a day consistently and I could not be more pleased with the results. The only issue I still have is not being able to stop the stream fully once it starts. There is still work to do, but I feel confident that I will be able to be fully continent again soon.Don’t hesitate, don’t wait, just buy it!
23 people found this helpful
jbnruby2 –
Mrs. ConnerMrs. Conner –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Definitely does what it says it will!
I have had this less than a week and it really does work. I bought it because I have had 4 children and I know as I age I could develop prolapse. I am able to do kegals on my own but I don’t think I could hold them for too long.I won’t lie I’ve slowly been working my way up to 30 just because I don’t want to have any type of discomfort. I have not had any and I’m at 25 on p1. At 25 I can feel a tapping a lot if the metal strips are top to bottom, and if they are side to side faintly. This probably means that I need to work the side muscles more? Either way I can feel the contractions, so it does what it says and is worth the money to me.I decided to use astroglide instead of ultrasound or KY because I knew it would not agitate or mess with my pH. So far it’s been working out well.Please read over the instructions before using because the settings are a little complicated. Also the probes are not supposed to last more than 6 months so you may want to order an extra one. The instructions say that it may stop working between 3 and 6 months. FYI the probe that comes with it is attached cord permanently so when that probe goes bad or the cord you will have to toss probe and cord.Lastly because I know someone wants to ask, yes this can definitely “stimulate” you although it technically is not for that. I call it a pleasant side effect lol.
19 people found this helpful
Mrs. ConnerMrs. Conner –
cynthia phipps –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Game changer
This product is a game changer. I have had over active bladder along with the added bonus of my bladder shutting off early and never really being empty. I have been on medication, which was magic, except that it gave me dizzy spells. it took trips to the doctor to find out that’s why I was dizzy.Recently I had an extremely embarrassing moment while on vacation. Online research lead me to this product. The notes here say it can help with all my problems plus it helps anyone who thinks they may be doing ther kegel excersizes wrong. (Initially I thought, who thinks that? You squeeze, it feels like you are lifting your pelvic area up in to your body… Got it! How could this go wrong. LADIES!!!! I was doing it wrong and had no idea. I WAS USING THE WRONG SET OF MUSCLES) the first time I used the k-fit I realized that I had a different set of muscles that I aparently had never felt or used before EVER!!! This was magic!!! Because I had been doing it wrong, when my doctors said to practice s***ting off the urine flow I would never have succeeded. When I did pelvic floor excersizes to strengthen it, I was trying hard and getting nowhere. Just once use changed my life. And the continued use is making me stronger every day. I can’t stop my urine flow yet but I am getting closer and for the first time in my life I CAN “HOLD IT”!!!! For someone that has never (even in high school) been able to do jumping jacks or jump or jog without peeing, this has changed my life forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!I know this has been a long one, but I can’t express how glad I am to have found this. I have become a “stop peeing for pants” sales person! All of my mommy friends have had to listen to me and people who I shared my embarrassing moment with and are curious that I have found a way to help myself. Random people who pee a bit when coughing.Ps.. Forgive any grammar problems.. I’m typing at the speed of excitement and am more worried about the message than the commas! 🙂
66 people found this helpful
cynthia phipps –
Monica Cavanaugh –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Use ultrasound gel with your K-Fit for excellent results!
51 year old lady here. So here was my problem: I would get to the bathroom and all the sudden I couldn’t get seated fast enough. Then I had a moment while having intercourse where I wondered if I was leaking. Ugh! It was ridiculous! I have done kegals for years but it just wasn’t good enough anymore. I refused to live like that.No kidding, this little kegal toner started helping right away! The first 2 weeks I used it daily but now I use it 3-4 days a week and things are back to normal. No more worries about leakage when I sneeze, have sex, or get to the bathroom to pee and it takes me more than 2 seconds to hit the seat. My best tip? Use ultrasound gel to coat the probe instead of a thin water based lubricant. Ultrasound gel gives superior conductivity to the electronic impulses and makes the experience more comfortable and the treatment very effective! I’m an ultrasound technician so I had some gel hanging around the house but you can order an 8 oz bottle of ultrasound gel on Amazon for just a few bucks. Use a nice thick coating of ultrasound gel on the probe too, more is better than less. If you were my best friend I would tell you to go ahead and buy the K-Fit, it has solved my problem and I’m betting it will help you too.
553 people found this helpful
Monica Cavanaugh –
Daisy –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Let me start by telling you guys that I paid over $1,500 for a vaginal rejuvenation wand! I was obsessed with making myself tighter so I could get complete satisfaction and of course it does help not having to get up a few times at night to go to the bathroom. I have three children and my last one was the hardest to bounce back from. I believe it’s because I’m older now so it took a long time to get back to normal but it happened !! I have been using this thing for over a month, I’ve been religious about and let me tell you… I check myself every day to see the progress and I’m very impressed!!! I feel significantly tighter, my walls are closer together and the pleasure that comes with it is out of this world 😳 I’ve been doing the P09 setting for 45 min intervals at 30-10 strength. I had to play with it a few times to see how much I could take. You get more and more used to it, it’s just a tingly feeling. DO NOT touch the probe if the machine is still on, always insert it when it’s off because it will shock the crap out of you!!! Always insert it before you start the procedure and make sure it’s complete off when you take it out. I recommend using it at night because it’s a hassle carrying this little machine around. Don’t think about it anymore just buy it! Best $100 + I’ve ever spent on MYSELF
26 people found this helpful
Daisy –
Melissa Rusk –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Consistent use yields better results.
I’ve had 3 large babies… all vaginal. This actually does work…. unless you slack.Get lazy and don’t use it daily; it won’t work. Use it daily and the results are amazing. I’m a medical marijuana patient and hated that it was the only way to get relief. Because I had to wear a maxi pad. 3 consistent weeks, 7 days per week and I do not need a pad anymore. I do not fear sudden coughs or sneezes.This gave me my confidence back. And, I have to admit my man is so not complaining.Please remember the above words though. DAILY USE! If vaginal health is important to you this is no different than breathing or showering is in general.I was inconsistent in the beginning. I would go a couple of days then go without for a week or more. Double down and decide you want to not pee yourself when you cough.When you’ve not known how or been able to do kegels on your own, this can help train those muscles effortlessly. I read for 45 minutes daily (2 times a day if I’m lucky) so I just switched around where I read, and this is a super simple way to check off two needs at once.Highly recommend
15 people found this helpful
Melissa Rusk –
Charaya MorrisCharaya Morris –
5.0 out of 5 stars
It feels like it’s working…
So, ove had issues with a weak bladder for years and I’ve finally decided to take control of the situation. I found this device and read the reviews and decided to try it. I followed all the directions as far as insertion, turned it on a decided to do the 1st program. I couldn’t feel A THING. At first I thought it was broken and was highly disappointed. But then I decided to just continue increasing the strength and I finally felt the vibrations. Yesterday morning, I did the 2nd program at 25 mA. Last night, I was able to do program 8 at 35mA. This morning, I tried program 9 at 40mA. I really feel the “tighten and release” muscle contractions at this level. I feel comfortable walking around now that I got the hang of the programming and what it’s supposed to feel like. I’ve had 2 c-sections and a hysterectomy. I feel NO discomfort. I am soooooo hoping that this works. I plan to do 1 work out in the morning and 1 in the evening.
22 people found this helpful
Charaya MorrisCharaya Morris –
MoCat –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Works good
Does what it says, read directions, easy to use, work your way to a comfortable level. Saw results within 3 weeks.
One person found this helpful
MoCat –
Kk –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Amazing Results In Just 11 Days
I’ve only been using the K-fit Kegel Toner for 11 days and I’ve already noticed some pretty major changes. I noticed that my vagina was looking a bit different, I couldn’t see my vaginal opening as well and there seemed to be some extra tissue bulging out. Then I had sex for the first time in months and was horrified by the fact that suddenly I could barely feel myself be able to grip with my pelvic floor which resulted in really embarrassing sex. As a 32 year old woman who has never had children I began researching prolapse issues and realized it was super rare for a woman my age who hadn’t had children. I went to my OBGYN with concerns of a cystocele, however she said I didn’t have a significant prolapse of the bladder only a very slight one at best. I am going to see a urologist next weeks as I think I might actually be struggling with a urethrocele instead as it seems to be my urethra falling into my vaginal canal. I was also having trouble starting my urine stream and my flow of urine would stop and go at times.Anyways after just 11 days of using K-Fit I have no problems with urination. I am also noticing my pelvic floor muscles getting considerably stronger. I could perform a kegel before starting K-fit but I could only hold it for one second at best and it was not a strong contraction at all. I had never been good about remember to do pelvic floor exercises, and I believe that being overweight, having very weak core and glute muscles, and straining due to constipation these all resulted in my pelvic floor becoming very weak and gave me that loose feeling in my vagina. I am noticing my vagina starting to look much more like it used to! Less protruding of tissues and I can now only insert 2 fingers instead of 3…almost 4. Trust your gut ladies, sometimes a gyno might not recognize a weakening of your pelvic floor, I knew I needed to take action before this started to become a major prolapse. I am honestly fully confident that continuing to use the K-fit will resolve all of my concerns about my tightness, in just 11 days the progress has been so major. I will say to stay consistent and be PATIENT…I thought I was seeing no progress the first week but you just have to be patient! I use it religiously every morning and every night, and I will move the probe for each session. In the morning I place the probe electrodes to face hip to hip, then at night i have the probe electrodes face up and down. I also vary the depth in which I put it in, when I first started I think i was letting it go to deep into my vaginal canal, now I hold it the entire time of the session and make sure it doesn’t slide in to deep….in the manual it was to only insert it 2 inches for the best results so that’s what I try to do now but you do have to hold it because the strong contractions will draw the probe deeper into your vaginal canal. I also rotate which programs I do. The first day I did program 3 both morning and night, then the next day program 4 both morning and night, next day program 5…so on and so on. I feel blessed to have found this, I know I will be completely confident next time I am intimate.
281 people found this helpful
Kk –
Mamasita –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Improved my leaking problem
First rate product worth the investment. Needed to improve my vaginal wall muscles and Kfit helped me a lot. Have used it for 4 mos, 2-3x a day when possible. Have had leaks when I laughed for at least 4-6 years and recently a little more if I waited too long to pee. Now I’m noticing major improvement(l (fewer to no leaks).Yes I do kegels on my own now too. More often I do them while my Kfit is inserted. I’m getting PT instruction for pelvic exercises, and told my therapist I was using Kfit too. She is pleased and said it’s on the order of biofeedback she uses to train my vaginal muscles.I used a Poise 3 for years if you need to know extent of my issue. Now when staying with my guy I can take it off before he knows I use it, and sleep knowing if I get up in middle of night, I won’t have to run to the bathroom to make it. I’m confident he’s benefitting In the bedroom too.Takes commitment and regular use, Worth with making the time for yourself. Your doctor may find other issues with your incontinence: mine mostly age-related (I’m 70) and scar tissue from old episiotomy weakened my muscle too). So your results could be different. For me, I’m so pleased. Use 3x a day. (Trick: get a big throw, sit under it on your sofa, insert Kfit and binge your Amazon prime series!)Customer service is excellent. Wore out my probe and it was under warranty for 2 more months. Kfit shipped s new one in 2 days—free!
21 people found this helpful
Mamasita –
L. Flores –
5.0 out of 5 stars
It’s what I just used at the gyn
My journey started after having my 2 babies- youngest is now 5 years old. I have stress incontinence and just wasn’t doing anything about it. I stopped being sexually active after the last birth and kind of did a “whatever” type of thing.I decided to get myself back in working condition, especially since I was having lots of vaginal itching and the conclusion was urine irritation, since this was a chronic problem. I tried a pelvic floor specialist ($95/session) but it required my doing the exercises at home daily, which just wasn’t getting done. I looked into doing the Emsella chair. I paid $5000 for 5 sessions, having to drive into the city and paying a parking garage. It did do wonders, but I would say it was 50% better. For anyone going thru incontinence, 50 is better than nothing.Time passed and decided to purchase this piece of equipment. Honestly, I’ve had it for about 1 year and used it about 10 times…too few to note a difference.I heard about something called Biofeedback from my new GYN, and after months of holding off, I went today. The session is inserting this same probe and having the same variety of stimuli. It was a slap in the face- all this time and money thrown, and I have the same equipment- I just need dedication. And I’ve heard positive feedback about the Biofeedback, however it’s 6 sessions, paying a co-pay, and sessions are every 2 weeks or monthly.So now, considering all I’ve been thru and the cost of all other treatments , I will definitely make “appt times” at home to use this equipment. At $150, it’s still less than the 6 sessions of Biofeedback that I’m suppose to do. I will try to update in about 6 months with any progress reports.
49 people found this helpful
L. Flores –
DDinFL –
5.0 out of 5 stars
So far so good.
I have only had this product about two weeks. So I cannot speak to its full results, which, to my understanding, need at least three or four weeks of consistent use to start reaching full potential. However, given the total lack of reviews, which I am sure frightens off many potential buyers, I thought sharing my experience so far might be helpful. After three vaginal births of babies near or over ten pounds, let’s just say that all was not well in ladyland. And it was confusing, because I don’t suffer much from incontinence, the most common symptom of weak kegels. The problems were all in the bedroom, with frustration and disappointment for both myself and my husband for the last several years. I tried several different products. Ben wa balls fell out of me like an egg from a chicken. The kegelmaster provided a decent workout, when I remembered to use it, but anything that takes at least three months to see marked difference is not the best tool for me. I don’t have the patience or the faith for that and thus wind up giving up too soon.So once again I found myself going to Dr. Google, and discovered the concept of electrostimulation use for kegel strengthening. It sounded weird, but apparently is all the rage in the UK, with medical professionals prescribing it frequently, and the testimonials were encouraging. When I found the K-fit on Amazon, I was skeptical about the lack of reviews, but it seemed very similar to the UK product I’d been researching, so I gave it a shot.The first few days of trying it were not very encouraging. I read the instructions, but missed a few key factors, and thus started a program much too intense for my situation. I couldn’t sense anything that felt like a kegel contraction – I either felt a terrible burning sensation or nothing at all. After three days of this I contacted customer service in frustration.A rep answered my email within 24 hours. She made a few suggestions about what I was experiencing and how to adjust the settings to something more comfortable. The likelihood (as I had also read in other testimonials) was that I had some nerve damage from all the births, and so had desensitized areas where the surrounding nerves were overreacting in compensation. She recommended using a program with lower intensity until the affected nerves calmed down.I was a little reluctant to use it at that point, but took.the advice, since I had spent the money. I dropped to a program with less Hz and sure enough, the painful response stopped. By day three of the new setting, I was finally able to feel my pelvic floor contracting during the stimulation, which told me with certainty that something good was happening.I am now five days in to the right program. While, as I said, only time will tell of the effectiveness of the product, I am 5-starring the K-fit due to excellent customer service, encouraging progress, and the unmitigated awesomeness of the concept that you can do kegels in your sleep. (Yes. I have fallen asleep while it runs). If it is true that my problems are due to nerve damage, no amount of traditional kegel exercise would have helped that. I have great hope that this is the solution I have been waiting for, and will update this review in a few months to report the results.
98 people found this helpful
DDinFL –
annie23 –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Works great! Very effective.
I wasn’t too sure about this when I ordered, but found Kegel exercises and weighted balls didn’t do much to improve my pelvic floor and was looking for something else. After 1 week of doing this, I found a very noticeable difference (i.e. I don’t pee when I sneeze anymore). I found it takes a few tries to figure out exactly where it needs to go so that you can feel it best, and you need to be careful not to press the increase pressure button on accident when moving around. It was a strange feeling the first time and I did have cramps after the first few times, but then after using it a week or two, no more cramps and you only need to use it a couple times a week to maintain, and increase your ability. Definitely recommend to repair your pelvic floor.
65 people found this helpful
annie23 –
Dana –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Easy to use and program
Works great, I do see improvement over 2 months now. Easy to use, clean and discreetly hide.
Dana –
Book Lover –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Need more time
I’ve been using this for a bit, but haven’t really noticed much difference yet. I know it’s working because of the stimulation, but I haven’t seen the benefits yet. I know it takes time though for results so I’ll see about updating this later.
One person found this helpful
Book Lover –
Kindle Customer –
5.0 out of 5 stars
This item works very well!
Hi all! I’ve had and have been using this product pretty much every day for around 4 months now, and it works very well. I had a slight issue with the probe that it came with, but Aimee R. in their Customer Service Department, took care of it promptly as my unit is still under warranty.Not only is the product an excellent one, but the Customer Service is top tier as well, which is very important to me!
3 people found this helpful
Kindle Customer –
Caridad Cameron –
5.0 out of 5 stars
It really works!!!
It took me a long time to decide on the purchase of this item; needless to say I was very skeptical. I did quite a bit of research on the product and comparison to other like products and ultimately decided to give this one a shot, mostly due to the reviews. I have been using it now for a full week and have been pleasantly surprised! I actually felt the difference after the first day (2nd session), when I did not leak at night while I slept. By the end of the 2nd day, I was not leaking at all throughout the day. This device is Godsend…..I was really beginning to give up hope that leaking was going to be part of my everyday.I must admit, I was very aggressive with the program, starting in Level 8 and moving to Level 9 by the 2nd day and quickly working up to 55 mA by day 3. It was painful to start, but I was determined to see results and my body adjusted quickly. I would definitely recommend this product because it provides the results it’s intended.
18 people found this helpful
Caridad Cameron –
A_Barnes –
5.0 out of 5 stars
It Works!
This has helped tighten the pelvic muscles and there is a difference. I was able to notice in about a week using the recommended twice a day. Missing several days is noticeable too. Glad I got it and was able to dump the pads I’ve had to use since the hysterectomy and kids.
3 people found this helpful
A_Barnes –
JenKnightWrites –
5.0 out of 5 stars
So Far So Awesome!
Well, my boyfriend bought this for me because of “tightness issues” in the bedroom and I have to say, I was skeptical about it — but hopeful! I’ve tried a lot of kegel exercise tools over the years since having kids, hoping to get some of my pre-kid tightness back. But nothing ever seemed to work for me. I’ve just recently begun having incontinence problems as well, so I was willing to try nearly anything when he approached me about this product. I’ve used tens systems before, so I knew what to expect, only when I used this product it was nothing like I expected! No stinging, pinching or pain or any kind. I could literally FEEL my muscles contracting, and I know the system is doing something. I’ve only done one session and my nether bits feel as if they’ve run a marathon. For the first time in eight years, I feel like there may be a light at the end of this (very wide) tunnel. I’m actually excited about the future, and hopefully this product will give me the added muscle tone I’ve lost due to child birth so I don’t have to resort to panty liners and a life of underwhelming sex.Also a few things — some people complained about the manual being confusing. I didn’t find it confusing at all, you simply need to read it thoroughly and it explains everything you need to know. I appreciate there being a comprehensive explanation of each and every pre-programmed workout, as well as instructions on how to customize your own workout.The packaging was excellent as well, I felt that everything was clean, sanitary and of the highest quality. As I said, I’ve used some tens systems before, and this one is easily the most well-made out there for the money. I know it’s expensive, but I can’t put a price on my sex life or my health. To me, the extra expense for a quality item is worth it. It even came with a discrete purple baggie so I can take the unit with me on trips if needed and nobody will know I’m working out my vagina when they’re not looking! ;)I’ll come back and update in a few weeks when I’ve completed the recommended workout routine (which is about 3-4 weeks). Hopefully I’ll have good news!!
30 people found this helpful
JenKnightWrites –
Sullivan18 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Right fit
I’m still not sure if it’s tightening anthing but the use has a stimulation that in time may beneift me
One person found this helpful
Sullivan18 –
Canoturkey –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Absolutely Life Changing!!!!
Oh my god. Let me start by saying I have birth to my 3rd baby 5 weeks ago and I’m 34 years old. My first baby was almost 9 pounds. My second was 6.5 lbs and my third baby was 8lbs 4oz. They were all natural vaginal births. I bought this while I was pregnant but didn’t start using until 3 days ago. I purchased this because im my last trimester I was having constant yeast infections and in my search to discover why, I realized my bladder was fairly prolapsed. To the point that when I opened my inner labia, I could see my vaginal wall slightly pushing out. I was horrified and I hadn’t been able to be intimate with my husband in months due to the pain. I was also fairly incontinent near the end of my 3rd pregnancy and I was desperate to regain control. So all that said, I started 3 days ago. Yesterday when I took a shower I couldn’t believe what I saw. Regular labia. I had my husband take a look. He was floored. I have always had large inner labia and after my first two kids, they were even looser. I came to a startling realization. I’ve had pelvic floor issues my entire adult life and I just realized it. I suddenly flashed back to my childhood. My parents fed me a horrible diet that had me constantly constipated and I have struggled with stress incontinence since middle school. Fits of laughter led me to embarrassing accidents but I thought it was just how I was made. Now I want to tell the whole world that this is not normal. You can fix this! I can’t believe I’ve had such a huge change in just 3 days and I am so looking forward to the results I see 2 weeks from now.
38 people found this helpful
Canoturkey –
Samantha –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Wow! Really works!
Only after a few use, my pelvic floor lifted. No more stress incontinence with sneezing, coughing, or laughing too hard. I’m a believer.
2 people found this helpful
Samantha –
Madelyn AwaltMadelyn Awalt –
5.0 out of 5 stars
I noticed a difference after ONE use. I was feeling some movement in my pelvic floor when I coughed and my OBGYN recommended this. I had a baby 7 months ago, and he mentioned this issues was quite common–especially after 2 kids. I used it yesterday, and afterwards, the movement in my pelvic floor while coughing was already better. I also stopped feeling like I still had to pee right after going to the bathroom. It’s easy to use. I would just recommend reading all the instructions thoroughly. This was a game changer. MUST HAVE.
7 people found this helpful
Madelyn AwaltMadelyn Awalt –
Marisol –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Muy cómodo de usar y de transportar
Marisol –
Faye Hill –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Well it definitely shocks you
Came in a big Amazon envelope so it was discreet not that I personally care. Hmmmm… why did I buy this? Welp I had issues holding my bladder ever since I was a child and I’ve never said a word to anyone ever. My partner told me I was really tight and he’d seemed surprised, I can hold really heavy ben wa balls but when it comes to holding my water, i cannot and it makes me feel self conscious. I haven’t had a successful full term pregnancy so I haven’t experienced childbirth yet and I’m nervous. I do kegal exercises regularly and wear weights. My partner has said nothing but positive things about our intimate life and I’m trying to keep it that way. I’ve read all of the reviews on this product and it had the lease negative reviews and the price seemed fair. I received the package today and am using it as I’m writing this. The manual is pretty clear but even without reading it you can figure it out. I’m using it at quite a high level P09 45mins left MA 10 right MA 54I couldn’t even feel the pulse until level35. I thought it wasn’t working but I put it in my hand and it hurt like a s.o.b. so it definitely works. It was new and sealed and I like how small it is. I find that laying on my back or side is the most comfortable position I tried to sit up and I pushed it out a little bit while it was on and I zapped my labia minora and I screamed so loud it was very unpleasant. It’s crazy how it doesn’t hurt while it was in my hand or touching the labia but it doesn’t hurt while it’s inserted. If you feel like you’re strong enough to hold the probe in whilst mildly active its doable. I walked around with it in for a few mins and it wasn’t bad at all. I’ve definitely been doing the kegals right I’m not feeling anything new it’s just more intense so hopefully this will help with holding my bladder. I will be updating
14 people found this helpful
Faye Hill –
JustMe –
5.0 out of 5 stars
DEC 2019 UpdateI have been using the same device since original purchase. My ‘odometer’ hour clock usually rolls over at around 256 hours about and has done so…Four times as of yesterday evening. Have AMAZANG MUSCLE CONTROL NOW. Like…freakishly great can flex multiple areas at will and hold tension effortlessly. No issues to report of any kind with the device. I do go through lots of 9 volt batteries but husband says will stockpile a warehouse with them if I ask 🙂 I do replace battery when it loses the first bar. I run it at 99 and have a custom program set with numbers at 100/70 in the upper rjght hand corner of the screen. Typically I use it every other day for an hour. Post menopausal, post childbirth hooha is better now than ever before.I have used kegel weights for more than a year. I can tell you that this device, even two weeks into use is much more effective than exercise with or without weights. It provides deep muscle contraction that you cannot really get on your own without much more work. Toning the internal muscle structure will fix many issues that plague women. This device has given me outstanding results!Update…after a month of use, I can not only tell the difference on the inner tightness, I can see that the parts that began to protrude no longer do protrude. Why arent all women told about this? My daily workout is program 03 at 50 usually two 20 minute cycles back to back. If it is working this much after one month, what progress will I make over time!Update…I now can run this at 99 for the whole cycle. I usually repeat the cycle in several places internally. I have used it 120 hours and I have to say that I dont think I was this tight as a 13 year old. All of my urinary issues are long gone, but, oddly, I now have the most silent urination ever. I expect this is do the very tight muscles. I do change that battery every time it loses one bar. So for me about once per week.Update…I have used this on P3 at 99 for about two hours 5 times a week for many months now. My device reset my hour meter to 0 after 260 hours of use. So now my odometer has turned over, and I am still going.I find that I rotate the probe so that all muscles get worked.I am now so tight that I can hold water in my vagina without leakage if I choose. I think that I will never stop using this device. I am extremely pleased with the results.This has done more for me than I could have imagined. All women need this!
231 people found this helpful
JustMe –
Teyah –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Very Neat!
The media could not be loaded.
Just got in mail. Came very nicely packaged. Everything sealed and clean. Took out to use for first time. I have no idea what setting to use. For people that have had them for a while….. what setting would you use for the best results?I currently have it on P03, 40 H, 200S and 15 ma.What should I be using?
6 people found this helpful
Teyah –
Cheryl A. –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Amazing product, amazing customer service!
Can’t recommend this highly enough. At 57, and having had two children when I was younger, the need for kegel exercises definitely increased, but I couldn’t stand doing them on my own. When I found this little gem and read the reviews, I had to buy it. Best purchase I’ve ever made. Within 1 week of using it, I no longer needed to get up in the middle of the night to urinate. Within two weeks I no longer needed to cross my legs before I sneezed. I just turn the unit on, and read, or play on my phone until the unit turns off when time is up. I use it 3-4 times a week, now that I’m seeing results.The unit I purchased had an electronic defect, so I called the manufacturer, and they shipped me out a new unit right away. Very impressive!
17 people found this helpful
Cheryl A. –
BC –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Doesn’t seem worth it
Update: I was initially happy with this purchase. I thought it was working, but now I’m thinking I was just swollen, not really building stronger muscles. The prolapse attachment that I bought stopped working and I switched back to the original attachment a few days ago. I realized I’m doing this from habit vs getting stronger, and I’m tired of doing this daily with no noticeable change. I would like it to work, but I’m going to try something else.Original review:I struggled with buying this. $160 for a device that may not work and is not returnable put me off. But after my gynecologist recommended pelvic floor therapy sessions with biofeedback for $250 per session, I decided to give this a try.I’m glad I did! I’ve only used this for a week and already feel a big difference. The device is well made and seems very well thought out. Be sure to follow the instructions. There are two strengths, and the default was soft. I was worried when I tried that one and didn’t feel much till I got in the 80s. Switching to the other mode was a big difference.I have no regrets with this purchase. I do wish I hadn’t bought the prolapse extension. I think it would work even better for me, but the way the cord is attached was terrible design, IMO. But this core device is great!Update, after trying to go back to the original probe, I realized I liked the prolapse probe better so I went back to it and kept adjusting. Now I prefer the prolapse attachment. Seems to be working well. I feel stronger already.
6 people found this helpful
BC –
Anne –
4.0 out of 5 stars
but I wanted to give some insight into how a woman like me (early 30’s
I did not get paid to write this review (I’m tired of all fluffed out, sell out reviews that I see on Amazon), but I wanted to give some insight into how a woman like me (early 30’s, no kids) views the product and its benefits. Most of the other reviews have talked already about how to use the product so I won’t go into detail.Why did I buy this? I’m incredibly curious about how to make my vagina stronger so that I can achieve mind-blowing orgasms. I’d like to know how to “milk the lingam” and it seems that it comes from a very self-aware place of knowing your PB muscles and exercising accordingly. I’ve done kegels since my 20s, but didn’t know if I was doing them correctly. I bought a kegel device (the mechanical one that you have to close with your PB muscles in order to strengthen the wall, ben wa balls, and a faux-Lelo kegel trainer. The mechanical device was a pain to insert and clean (but pretty effective if used regularly), ben wa balls come with basically no instructions (all websites are so ambiguous and just state – you have to use your muscles to keep them in and your vagina “adapts”), and the faux-Lelo kegel trainer was a waste of money.So I bought this device because I wanted to exercise my PB muscles and know where they were via the electric shocks. In many ways, this device is incredible because I know it is working and can feel the difference. However, the true benefit is that I can “test” myself against this device during the rest period and see if I can physically mimic the action.I’ve always been fairly tight and I haven’t been in a longterm relationship since I bought the device in April ’16 to know if a partner would feel a difference (hence 4 stars, not 5). However, I feel more comfortable manipulating my PB muscles due to the heightened awareness and I actually *do* feel physically tighter when I’m using my ben wa balls during the day. I use p09 and p10 primarily.I hope this helps folks who aren’t moms but are curious about the product!
57 people found this helpful
Anne –
Kris –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Didn’t last long
Worked great at first then it slowly lost its intensity. I’ve changed batteries and it’s had no effect.
6 people found this helpful
Kris –
C. from Oklahoma –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Worth the investment. Really works.
After my second baby, I suffered UI leaks for 8 years. Coughing, sneezing, lifting, even simply walking would trigger it. I went to a urologist for help, but he immediately suggested surgery. This pelvic trainer, plus several visits with a pelvic floor physical therapist, helped tremendously. Be sure to use the device in different positions (sitting, standing, laying down). I found the best results to use it while standing and adjust it as needed to feel a “pinch.” It means it’s working those weak muscles. Patience is key: it may take up to 12 weeks to see results.
2 people found this helpful
C. from Oklahoma –
Mrs. Chaffee –
5.0 out of 5 stars
With only using it for 2 days it was 30% better
I am so happy I bought this. Since having twins, my Pee has been out of control, especially, when I am running. I thought my stress continence would ease up but it has remained the same since giving birth. I love to run and workout but it was getting very embarrassing at the gym. Also, just drinking more liquids I would have to make sure a bathroom was close. Blah. I have only had this for about a week and I am GITTY!!!! I have experienced a 30% improvement. I feel my girl area saying THANK YOU. AMAZING. It’s quite comfortable for what it is doing in there too. I use coconut oil to lather up. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ if I could give this 7 stars I would
13 people found this helpful
Mrs. Chaffee –
TiffanyB –
5.0 out of 5 stars
If you pee when you sneeze- it’s time
Ok I never write reviews but I rely heavily on them and this is just one of those things that you need to read about before purchasing.I’m a 42 year old mom of 3. I had the last one at 40 and since then have “peed a little” doing mundane things and as annoying as it was I never gave thought to what could help.Insert the desire to run a 5k.I hired a running trainer and started training and quickly became extremely discouraged because I couldn’t run without leaking. Like- a lot of pee, wet shorts after a few minutes. So. Embarrassing.I went down a rabbit hole of things that could help and landed on a kegel trainer.The one I researched was $1k 🫣Then I thought before I invest that much, let’s see if there’s one that costs less and is effective.Here we are- and I can’t stress this enough- this was the best money I’ve spent in a long time.It’s been a month. I do it when I can (2-3 times a week) And today I ran 2.5 miles with not so much as a drop leaking.Get it. If you’re like me and want to sneeze and run without pissing yourself like a toddler- get the machine.
51 people found this helpful
TiffanyB –
4.0 out of 5 stars
The toner was easy to use & seems to be helping me. I definitely recommend at least trying to see if it helps you also.
3 people found this helpful
Sydney –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Objective and honest review
Definitely worth the purchase. Any reviews that are 3,2 or 1, I truly feel their unit was faulty or it’s operator error. There’s simply no way you wont see an improvement.I have a grade 2 almost 3, prolapsed bladder. Sneezing, jumping were problematic after vaginal births of 3 children. But a month ago when I peed during sex, that’s when the ‘wth is going on’ alarms in my head went off. I knew something had progressed to the point where ignoring it further would ultimately lead to adult briefs. And at age 46, that’s way too soon. Oh and before anyone thinks, ‘pfft she squirted’….that was no squirt. It was a message from my pelvic floor saying, hey dummy, we’ve tried to be subtle for the last 18yrs but seriously wake up. So that’s what I did.Here we go day one with the review. I did notice after a few days, placement of the probe had a lot to do with how high I was able to take the pulses. The probe has 2 metal pieces on either side, if you place them to where they are pointing to your side or hips, it’s more of a dull contraction feeling and your workout will be easier. If a metal piece is situated just below your urethra, it’s a sharper contraction and the pulses needed to be lower. I don’t know how else to put it. But play with it and find placement that suits your body. I also started off using program 2 on 35 mA, 2x in the morning and 2x at night. Yes I realized it wasn’t what the directions advised but I’m a rule breaker, call me crazy. And look, i peed during sex so I’m lucky that I didn’t lie in bed all day on a saturday, order take out and shock the holy hell out of my vagina for 18hrs straight. So 2 back to back sessions, shows restraint and thats a good thing. I now do program 9 at 55mA.Ok so back to my review, day 3 I did notice I wasn’t peeing or feeling the awkward urge to constantly pee at work. Every day has felt better down there. Day 10, I sneezed 2x in a row, now prior to kfit MIGHT have been able to hold a pee through the first one but a second (even if I tried my best squeeze) would’ve made me mumble a 4letter curse word while briskly walking to a bathroom. However, since starting the kfit, my pee squeeze held it back (side note, I was standing at the time too). So even if my head fooled me into thinking kfit was working, I knew at that moment, it was.As for sex, i dont know yet. My relationship was nearing the end when all this began. But i did buy the itone prior to kfit. Its a biofeed back unit and you manually squeeze it and it shows you how to do a true kegels and displays your vaginal wall grip/strength. I started off with level 4. So I wondered what is a level 4? I held the unit in my hand and applied the same pressure I saw it reading during the 2 min workout……..well. It wasn’t what I was expecting. The grip was just plain sad, if you could even call it a grip, it was more like one of those flaccid handshakes you get from prissy people, that immediately makes you want to wipe their touch off on your jeans. And I actually felt bad for my former boyfriend. Not overly bad, but bad. I knew I needed something with more umph along with this manual one, so I bought the kfit within 2 days of starting the itone. The kfit provides a better workout and works more muscles than youre able to do with regular kegels. Last week I tried the itone, and i was level 5. I personally like having the 2 different ones, one to workout and one to actually see tightness returning. The itone was around $100 and Kfit $150…but my vagina and pelvic floor health is worth more than that to me.Oh and one last thing, since beginning the pelvic floor workouts, foods that I noticed in the last 2-3 yrs that were making me slightly gassy that hadn’t caused a problem before, are no longer a problem. So it not only helps your feminine area, it helps digestion as well.
1,498 people found this helpful
Sydney –
Great stuff –
4.0 out of 5 stars
My PT’s reaction: Which prolapse are you talking about?
I’ve read countless reviews here before deciding buying this. So as an appreciation for all of those people who taken the time to review this product, and hoping that others still suffering and in doubt about what to do, here it is: I’ve been using it for just about a week. I did it twice at PO1level , not going over the 13. Then I started using only once a day, and incrementing the intensity to 17 at this point. My plan is to increase slowly. I’m pretty sensitive ( I am menopausal and not sexually active; two vaginal births). I started using this device to help with prolapsing issues . I noticed a vaginal bulge a couple months ago, and it freaked me out (never had issues with leaking, only feeling that the bladder doesn’t fully empty). I also was having issues with emptying the bowels completely. I saw a urogynecologist who diagnosed me with vaginal prolapse stage 2, and sent me to PT. Prior to seeing the doc, I had been doing kegels for awhile in combination with pelvic floor exercises. Even though, I could feel my muscles getting stronger, NOTHING compares with this device. Long story short: after using it for just a week at the lowest level, my BM has improved dramatically, and emptying the bladder has become the new routine. My bulge has retrieved to where it came from which was preventing my bowels to move normally. My muscles inside the vagina feel more plump, more nourished, and ALIVE! Hurray!!! It absolutely feels so much tighter!!! So today when I saw my PT for the first time, after she examined me, she said “I can’t feel any bulge at all either laying down or standing up, I can’t even see your uterus which I normally I can”. I couldn’t be happier!!! Best words I’ve heard in awhile!!!
208 people found this helpful
Great stuff –
Elizabeth Clark –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Game changer! **5 Month Update**
**update**So it’s been about 5 maybe almost 6 months since I bought and started using it and I’m still so so happy that I did. I used it for up to a few hours daily the first few months and after that I went down to at least every other day. Side note I do skip that one week a month. But I feel tighter than ever from the muscles building up there. I also don’t have to pee as much at night anymore too. The best part is sexually speaking things feel so much better than they ever did before. Last night was the first time I had been with a guy since last November and his reaction was absolutely priceless. I could hear him immediately say to himself omg it’s so tight and I couldn’t help but smile. I’m definitely going to keep using this thing and if it ever craps out I’m definitely going to buy another one!I have been debating purchasing this thing for months. After months of trying to do normal kegels with absolutely no improvement whatsoever I gave in and bought it. I’ve only had it and have been using it for 3 days but I have already had some improvement. I don’t have any prolapse issues but I normally wake up every 2 hours to pee at night which is super annoying, and sometimes I barely have to pee but it still feels like I need to or I can’t get back to sleep. Also I’m 33 and hadn’t had sex for about 5 years up until recently and when I did the guy I have been seeing gave me the impression that he thought I’d be tighter after all of that time. Turns out pelvic floor muscles are very much a use it or loose it situation as you get older. The final blow for me was one day recently i was having some personal time with a vibrator and peed by accident. I do normally squirt but this was not that, it was pee. Im just so glad it didnt happen when i was with a guy. I knew that something had to change. But the past 3 days I have diligently been using this device(I’ve actually been using it for about an hour to an hour and a half twice a day which is more than advised but mentally i was in a rough spot about it all). In that time I actually feel a little tighter and at night I’ve been sleeping straight through or just getting up to pee once. I know I’m a little tighter because right before I started 3 days ago and today I kind of gaged how one of my toys felt and there’s a difference, i feel like im gripping it way more wothout squeezing any muscles. It also seemed like I had an improvement in sensation today as well and I didn’t pee(thank freaking god). Sorry if this is tmi but I know I read over every single review here 10 times before finally buying this thing. I always appreciate the details so hopefully this helps someone else. I’m extremely excited to continue using it. Oh and the first time I tried it I thought mine didn’t work but you have to turn the milliamps way up past 30 to actually feel a contraction down there. If you have it set around 10 and place the metal faces between the pads of your hands below your thumbs you can see and feel your muscles twitch so this thing definitely works. I can’t wait to see the super confused look on my man’s face the next time we have sex. I’m sure it will be a happy confused though lol. If you’re on the fence just buy it. Like I said I spent probably 6 months debating attempting manual kegels which I was terrible at remembering to do and they didn’t help me at all. I wasted a ton of time. I wish I had jumped on this thing sooner. Seriously I can’t see how this could not work if you use it daily. It really is a game changer and it’s giving me my confidence back.
181 people found this helpful
Elizabeth Clark –
megan –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Definitely works
*review from someone who never had kids!*Definitely works. I will update further after more days of use but I DEFINITELY feel it. Never had kids but after a sedentary lifestyle and office job/not working out like I used to (yes it makes a difference in ALL areas of life) it’s become increasingly difficult for ‘things’ to happen. I’m in my early 30s and while I’m back to working out, I wanted things back to how they felt when I was super fit.Tips: get a THICK water based lube (astroglide) cover the electrodes, then kind of wiggle/twist a bit to make sure YOU are coated too. READ THE MANUAL. And take notes on your setting to what feels okay, what was too much so you can progress.It feels weird but isn’t painful.Will give more stars in about 2 weeks probably.
16 people found this helpful
megan –
Nevz23 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Holy grail!!!
So I just have to say I am so thankful that I came across this product and decided to purchase. I am 23 yrs old and have had 2 children. I noticed a change in my overall pelvic health when I couldn’t sneeze without standing up, I would have to squeeze my legs together to make sure I didn’t pee myself. I took my daughter to the trampoline park and simply jumping with her, I couldn’t do because the pee would leak out. I knew I had to do something. I talked with my obgyn and she recommended kegels but I found them difficult to do because I just felt so weak so it was pretty discouraging. My sex life had drastically changed after my 2nd baby. It just didn’t feel the same and my sensations seemed dulled to almost nothing. I would stress about this issue and it made me insecure and I didn’t know what to do. I started to do research an Googled ways to strengthen your pelvic floor an somehow came across this device. It has absolutely changed my life. My only regret is not knowing about it sooner. My best advice to using this device is to be consistent! I use it morning and night everyday and I feel like I’m a teenager again. It’s tighter, I don’t have incontinence issues anymore, and it just looks snatched now. It was worth every penny and one of the best decisions I could have made!! Don’t wait!!!
12 people found this helpful
Nevz23 –
Aubergine –
5.0 out of 5 stars
As a woman, there are few personal products that I have found to actually be useful and beneficial to my health, but the K-Fit MOST DEFINITELY IS! I am 47 years old, have had one completely natural vaginal birth at 31 of a 9 lb. child, and no surgeries. Despite being in good health, I was beginning to struggle with several female issues–urge incontinence, occasional stress incontinence, and looseness, and reduced orgasmic sensation. I always prefer natural methods to dealing with health issues, and seek these out first before trying commercialized medicine. I must say that the K-Fit has delivered on it’s promises and exceeded my expectations. I have been using this product twice/day for 20 min each time, approximately 4 – 6 days/week for only 2 weeks, a total of 6 hours thus far. Already I have experienced a reduction in many of my symptoms. My urge and stress incontinence have GREATLY improved, and my sensation and tightness during intimacy is beginning to noticeably improve. When I began using the K-Fit, I was able to properly contract the Kegel muscles, but could not hold the contraction for more than a few seconds; this is improving gradually. I am now more easily able to stop the flow of urine midstream and hold that for a few seconds before restarting.The manual provides several programs. I have been using the P3 program, which is a 20 minute program, at a setting of 45 – 50 mA (the strength of the electrical impulse). I started with mA at 35 based on the manual’s suggestion that this was the strength at which the vaginal muscles received a good workout. The sensation is really just like the buzzing of a vibrator inserted into the vagina. It is not painful, although at first perhaps a little unusual feeling. While several reviewers and the manual indicate that a user may feel their muscles actually contract, I have not felt this consistently, although intermittently, I have been able to feel this. Initially, I was unsure how much lubricant to use, but have settled on a drop about the size of a quarter, spread over the entire probe, being certain to cover the 2 metal pieces (electrodes) thoroughly. I have not used this device walking around, but rather simply lying down reading a book. However, I think after a few more weeks of use, I would be comfortable, and my muscles strong enough, to permit me to hold the unit comfortably in place while walking around the house doing basic chores. I would however caution that sitting upright, at least for me, is very uncomfortable with this device.My only disappointment is in the manual, which provides little meaningful information, in my opinion. The manual provides no diagrams, making it difficult to know exactly have far to insert the probe, instead simply indicating that the flange at the base of the probe is a guide. I did not find this useful. I suggest inserting the probe approximately 2 – 2.5 inches, so that the 2 metal electrodes are fully or almost fully inside the vagina. Inserting the probe all the way up to the flange, for me, resulted in minimal sensation, but also in some very mild discomfort after several minutes, like extremely mild menstural cramps. I want to caution that this was likely because I had the setting at 40 mA because when I inserted it that far another time and used a program designed to relax the vaginal muscles with a lower mA setting, it was fine, and in fact, very relaxing.The manual also does not provide very clear instructions regarding the program and settings at which someone should begin their regimen. I think it would be far more helpful for the manual to provide a section for each type of problem this device is designed to address, i.e., urge incontinence–male/female; stress incontinence–male/female; intimate sensation–male/female; etc., then provide a chart of the different programs designed to address that particular concern; an explanation of how each program addresses that particular issue(s); and a section for people who need to address mutliple, inter-related issues. Additionally, each section should specifically address male and female use based on gender-specific issues.In researching this device prior to purchase, I discovered that such devices are routinely prescribed in other countries that have single-payer, national health care, which fully covers the cost of such a device. Such national health programs (UK, Australia, etc.) appear to recommend use of 2 times/day at 20 – 30 min each time, over 12 – 16 weeks to reach maximum results, and 2 – 4 times weekly thereafter to maintain the achieved results. It’s no wonder that a national health care system would provide for such a device, given that single payer health care systems usually encourage cheaper, more holistic approaches first before paying for surgeries and more expensive options that often do not have long-term results because they work against the body’s natural design. This device is not cheap, and it is a shame that it’s not covered as an important part of our aging health here in America.Anyway, I have had wonderful results with this device in a very brief time. Like any exercise regime, consistency is key, and I fully intend to follow the usage recommendations I’ve found from the national health care systems of other countries. In short this product delivers on its promises, provided that you commit to using it consistently! As a woman you will not regret this investment in your intimate health, as it will help you naturally regain the intimate sensation and personal control you knew as a younger woman.
509 people found this helpful
Aubergine –
Danielle –
5.0 out of 5 stars
FINALLY one that I know is working
I’ve tried THREE different types of e-stim kegel trainers. The OG (the Intensity), then the external pads one, then this. This is the first one I feel contracts the way it’s SUPPOSED to and doesn’t require any guesswork about if it’s in the right spot and it doesn’t require me to be in an exact position (both others actually did). I can ABSOLUTELY feel the RIGHT muscles contracting. The booklet explains each program (just scroll through the P01-P-11 with one button, explains the choice between the 2 waveforms (one button), explains the intensity (a + – button) and VOILA. Plugged into the left hand slot (as you look at the devices face), and use the left hand +/- button and you’re good to go. It looked WAY more intimidating than it actually is.The bottom line is, I can come back here and TELL you it has drastically helped me, but I know it is. Finally, I am not guessing if it’s doing something, it’s very clear to me that it is. I’ve done some intimacy coaching and understand anatomy fairly well. The other devices just weren’t quite contracting and pulling the pelvic muscles up and in, but this one absolutely is.I will say, my first use, I saw PC01 etc, and the program was different. I don’t know why that is. I had to change the waveform to soft and it still felt a bit buzzy.But on my second time using it, I could scroll and see P01 etc. (not PC ) and that made a big difference. I use P03, on the strong waveform, level 35 and it’s strong yet comfortable. Highly, highly recommend this unit if you’re looking.PS, keep in mind they give you an extra cord because the actual probe isn’t meant to last forever, and they anticipate you needing a replacement (sold separately and corded differently) after 6-12 months. So hang onto the extra cords!PPS it’s a 9v battery, so have an extra on hand when you get the device for when it runs out.
23 people found this helpful
Danielle –
Momoftons –
5.0 out of 5 stars
I’ve had it 5.5 years, still going!
I went to update my original review and can’t believe that I’ve never actually written one. I bought this in December of 2015 when there were less than 10 reviews. The unit is still kicking over 5 years later. Best investment in my health ever. I was nervous but after baby #10 I was having issues running to the bathroom and making it. This machine really helped and I noticed that I didn’t need to stress anymore about leaking a little as I ran for the bathroom after only a few days. It’s like it woke those muscles up and activated them. I’ve recommended this device to so many people, particularly in large family groups as we tend to have issues. Honestly, for having as many pregnancies and labors as I have you would have thought I’d have issues before then, but I didn’t. (I think having an active sex life probably really helps to keep your kegels in better tone). But as I’ve aged as well, this device has been an amazing lifeline. You’d think I would use it consistently considering how well it works. Well, that’s my goal from here on out. In the past I’ve just used it when I feel out of sorts and it helps me feel things tighten and firm back up, and I never have urine leakage issues because of it. But my goal is to do myself right and give myself the gift of extra strong kegels and all the health and relationship benefits that come along with them instead of just using it to avert disaster, lol.I typically use P3 for 20 minutes, starting around 30 and working my way up as high as I can tolerate. When I first started using it I just did that program once a day and noticed huge results. But I like mixing it up too, so I switch it up.I did have issues with the leads coming unplugged from each other and I called the company. They sent me a new set that was just as loose as the first. Rather than give up I solved that by just taping them together. That’s the only quality issue I have had, and it wasn’t a big deal. I can’t imagine how bad the incontinence would have gotten at this point as I’ve aged and had another pregnancy without it. I’m incredibly grateful for this product.Oh, ladies, if you’re suffering from low sex drive and/or having hormonal issues, check out Maca. I buy the one that comes up first when you search in Amazon. It’s got a black and yellow label. NaturaLife Labs 1900 mg. It’s amazing too! For men’s sexual health Tongkat Ali supplements from Doublewood company are incredible too. Neither of those is expensive, and they have really great overall health benefits too. All 3 of these products combined has really helped keep my husband and I happy and healthy.
49 people found this helpful
Momoftons –
Candace –
5.0 out of 5 stars
So far worth every penny!
I tried doing kegels before, but could never do them right. I couldn’t even feel the muscles that you are supposed to use. I have had 4 kids over the course of almost 13 years. One of them was over 8 pounds with a huge head, and one was over 8 1/2 pounds. That was especially a lot on my short 4’9” frame. So, naturally I would now be dealing with some incontinence, especially as I get older. I had my first baby at 20 and am now 33. I also noticed a little bit of a prolapse (which I didn’t actually realize what was going on until reading the reviews on this, so thanks ladies!) Anyway, the main reason I started looking into these, is because ever since before baby number 3 was born, I have been incapable of having a good, intense org@sm. I couldn’t really afford to buy this thing right now, but the last time I looked into these, the one I saw was hundreds of dollars. So this was a great price in comparison. I was skeptical but decided to take the leap. I’ve only used this thing 3 times, but so far it’s so worth it! S£x already feels better! My husband never complained before, but based on his reactions, it was better for him too. He doesn’t know that I bought this, and I don’t think it’s such a vast difference yet that he has really noticed, but I hope and think that it will continue to improve. He was definitely able to c~m faster than usual too! So far, so worth it! Will update later if needed. Only thing I do need to mention, is that I wouldn’t use it on too high a power, especially if your body isn’t used to it yet. I noticed after using it today on a higher power that I was having a little bleeding, so it might have irritated things a little bit. My period is also due soon so it could have just set off my period as well.
36 people found this helpful
Candace –
elliej –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Decreased my stress incontinence, increased sex drive and pleasure. Added male probe as well
I almost never write reviews but this device changed my life. I felt I had to share it.I bought this unit a few years ago when I was 49 and having trouble holding my pee when my bladder was really full and I had to sneeze or cough. I read the reviews and knew I had to try it. Also at that time I was struggling with peri menopausal symptoms of decreased vaginal elasticity and moisture, decreased sex drive and inability to have an orgasam anymore.Once I began using the unit 1-2x day for around 40-60 minutes each time I started noticing changes. I could hold my pee without loss of any if I sneezed or coughed. This was why I bought the unit. What also happened is my sex drive and orgasms returned after about 3 weeks of use. I was ecstatic!!I ended up using the unit for about two months. After that I felt I didn’t need it anymore. Fast forward several years and I still have the benefits I gained but I developed trouble holding in gas and often when I was walking it would escape. I had three vaginal labors and I’m sure this was part of the cause. I then ordered the male probe from the company. When it arrived I tried it out a little afraid of how it would feel. It is an odd feeling but not painful at all. After using it for a week or two I decided to pair up my treatment with the vaginal probe again. I figured it could use a little more toning. I use both probes at the same time. It feels very comfortable and relaxing. To my utter astonishment the male probe reduced my hemorrhoids to almost nothing (I’ve had these since baby #1) allowed me to hold in my gas and I no longer suffer from my low back pain (I’ve had this since college). I had to write a review as these results are life changing and I don’t see much about it in what I read. I’ve told all my friends as most of us suffer from these problems in our 50’s. I want to shout it from the roof top!! I will definitely tell my doctor when I have my next check up so she can pass this information along to other people suffering from these problems. I highly recommend this unit and the male probe if you have any of the symptoms I did.
52 people found this helpful
elliej –
Caroline –
5.0 out of 5 stars
I am shocked, like gob smacked that this actually worked. I did not do it consistently for 12 weeks like it suggested. But I did do it for 3 days a week for a few weeks and I can already notice a major difference.Now I did not have a problem with going #1 when I coughed but I did babe a problem with going #2 I had to hold between both and push in order to go #2 it was bulging from weekend, pelvic floor. And now even after a few weeks it’s no longer doing it. I am able to go to the bathroom now without having to my myself in ten correct place to go. I am so pleased with this that I would 100% recommend this to any woman who’s ever had a baby.
10 people found this helpful
Caroline –
Paige Bastin –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Works very well!
This product does exactly what it is meant to do. When used according to directions, it gives very good and strong muscle contractions to strengthen the pelvic floor. Highly recommended.
Paige Bastin –
JShopper –
5.0 out of 5 stars
1000% Works
I just had my third kid at age 39. Let’s just say I felt like things weren’t exactly going back into its place. My husband never said anything but I know, we both knew things were different. Not to mention the first time I tried to run at eight weeks I Peed all over myself. I peed every time I had to sneeze. :(My OBGYN suggested (without any solicitation btw) that there was electro pelvic therapy. I followed up on her recommendation and it was $1000 per session!! (Need 7 sessions)This thing works! I’ve used it about 5 times over three weeks. So, not even close to what is recommended. I noticed a difference after the second time. I have a Peed one time while sneezing, coughing, or running. Seriously!Also, my husband won’t stay off me. So there you go. Worth EVERY PENNY
13 people found this helpful
JShopper –
Adam and Dana –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Significantly improves pelvic floor strength
After being scammed on another website, I bought this one. Prior to using this, I would frequently “leak” sometimes just standing up if my bladder was really full. I couldn’t sneeze sitting down. I had to stand up and tightly cross my legs to prevent niagra falls from happening. Whenever I would squat or deadlift super heavy at the gym, I wore the extra absorbent thick bladder control pad. I’m 32. That’s not normal.I choose to do the P08 exercise daily before bed which is 25min and has a comfortable rest/work interval and it starts out at a lower Hz to warm up the muscles, then increases in intensity. I believe the strength levels are from 0-100. I started at a strength of 20 and have now worked up to a 61 after a short time.I can now confidently say that I have significantly more control over my bladder/pelvic floor muscles. My husband actually said that things “look different down there” (in a good way). So my muscles have obviously been strengthened and have pulled external tissue tighter together.Two suggestions if you buy this:1. You need to make sure the stimulator is going from hip to hip and not belly to butt when you insert it.2. Lube that bad boy up. Go generous. (Just the silver stimulators) If you don’t, it will be extremely uncomfortable (almost like needles up there) and you’ll hate yourself thinking you wasted your money.Finally, ladies. Let me just tell you that if you got all the way to the end of my review, you will also enjoy sex waaaay more and increased pelvic floor muscles = stronger orgasm. So…you’re welcome. Just buy it already.
95 people found this helpful
Adam and Dana –
N. Gwynn –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Easy to use! Fantastic results!
I’ve had urgency incontinence for several years now after having 3 children. It was getting worse to the point that I was considering surgery. I’d have a sudden urge to go to the bathroom and even if I went to the bathroom right away, I wouldn’t make it and would have a large squirt of urine come out before I managed to sit down. (So even wearing a pad didn’t help because it would squirt either past the pad or I’d start going before I could sit down and it would get on my pants!). After having this happen in a store and ending up with wet pants, I knew I had to do something. So, while looking up surgery options, I came across recommendations for a product like this. I researched several of them and chose this one in the end. I’ve used it every day for a little over a month now and I’m so pleased with the difference. After just a few weeks, I noticed a major improvement! I could go on an hour long walk and not be dying for a bathroom at the end and hoping that I’d make it in time! I’ve only had a few leaks in the last two weeks and they’ve been drops of urine – not squirts! It’s easy to use and doesn’t hurt unless I get it in a wrong position or turn it up too high. And if it does hurt, I turn it off immediately and adjust the setting or the position and it solves the problem. It also doesn’t stimulate you when you are using it. I was hesitant to buy it as I really did NOT want a product that would give me climaxes when I used it. Some of the other devices out there made me wonder if they’d do that as well. Overall, I’m really pleased. I can tell my pelvic muscles are getting stronger. When I first started, I could only tolerate a strength setting of somewhere in the mid-20’s (out of 0 to 99, I believe). Now I’m up to around 50! My pelvic muscles were so weak before that I couldn’t even feel a Kegel at all so I hated doing them. Now, I can actually feel my muscles tightening when I try to do a Kegel myself. I was also worried that the electrical current would bother me. My husband has a TENS unit that ‘massages’ his back muscles. I’ve tried it before and really hated the electrical stimulation of my muscles. So I was worried this unit would bother me in the same way. It doesn’t! Bottom line: It’s easy to use, does proper Kegel’s for you and works!
16 people found this helpful
N. Gwynn –
pressatoplay30 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Finally found something that worked.
I’m writing this in hopes it’ll help someone else. I’m 35F, overweight, never went through childbirth, and suddenly started having bladder issues where it felt like I was just constantly dribbling. I didn’t have the urge incontinence – I just .. didn’t feel anything! I went to my primary care physician and we ruled out diabetes and UTI, but I was still feeling constantly damp and succumbed to buying poise pads to wear everyday. I hated that for myself and wanted to find a fix. I tried bladder control pills from ASO, the oxytrol OTC patches, cutting out caffeine, antibiotics for bladder infection/UTI, EVERYTHING and I was still feeling like I either needed to use the restroom because it didn’t feel like I completely emptied my bladder with the dribbling sensation. My last resort was Kegels, but I never knew if I did them correctly and wanted to find assistance and then I found this machine. So far I’ve only used it 1/day for about 3 days and I’m already seeing a HUGE improvement. For 20mins on P1 with 30mhz as recommended by the guide, today is the day I’m attempting not wearing a pad. I feel like this device is helping me regain control of my autonomy and comfort. This was my last attempt before going down the medical rabbit hole of finding a specialist and doing all those tests to figure out what was wrong and I’m glad it’s a simple as 20mins a day for me, ymmv. If you’re suffering with bladder issues without a known cause, try this machine! It’s worth the money and cheaper than doing all sorts of medical tests!
36 people found this helpful
pressatoplay30 –
Tammi –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Awesome product
One thing I noticed is that non of these reviews specify how this thing works. So first let me say it is basically a tens unit for your vagina. It does kegels for you threw electrical stimulation of ur PC muscles, and you can feel them! You’ll feel them tightening and release with no work on your part. Second thing: I don’t have stress incontinence or a prolapsed vagina. Im a 27 year old with no kids, in fact. But I am a nurse and see a lot of older patients with these problems. I wanted to be proactive and also suplament my regular manual Kegel exercises. Internal fitness is important and can also help tighten you up. I’ve had it for about a month. Even tho I haven’t had any issues, I will say that doing the general pelvic floor program (P09), lack of sensitivity (P08), and endurance (P010) a couple times a day I notice a big difference. It has replaced my manual workouts actually. Not only does my partner notices a difference but I do too. I can feel more, it feels like I’m tighter, like he’s bigger, and I do feel more sexually stimulated. I know this is a little pricy but I fully recommend making the investment. Read the manual, don’t crank it up too high, and just note that when u start raising the intensity it will be really strange and almost uncomfortable at first, but after a few reps, if u watch tv or do homework, u forget it’s doing it. You can still feel it but it is not bad.I was afraid I was going to have “death by vaginal electricution” written on my tomb stone when I first got it. After the first use that fear subsided. I feel that it’s perfectly safe, very effective and Id buy it for more money if I had to and this one broke.I’ve recommended it to some nursing friends and they absolutely love it too. So if ur a mom with A prolapsed vagina, stress incontinence, or just wanting to keep things strong and tight, yes u should buy it. Read the instructions front to back, follow them, and be consistent. Good luck!
490 people found this helpful
Tammi –
TameraG –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Needs A Light
So far I am happy with what I am experiencing. My vaginal tissue already appears more plump like it used to be after just a couple of sessions. If this result continues I will be very happy. As we get older nothing stays the same so a product that actually improves things is exciting. I do feel that for 160.00 the product could come with a lighted screen, it would just make it easier to see so perhaps that is something that the manufacturer should consider. I did read some reviews about the product not lasting very long but that is yet to be determined and if it does stop working I will certainly update. As for now, I am pleased and feel that it will improve things just based on how it has started out. I don’t have bladder leakage but I would like to be able to stopy urine stream like I could when I was younger, I guess time will tell but I do plan on doing the sessions twice a day for 12 weeks as suggested.
27 people found this helpful
TameraG –
TRachelle –
5.0 out of 5 stars
You will not be disappointed!
I’ve ordered a LOT of stuff off Amazon the past couple months. I try to review most of them, but some just don’t impress me enough for me to make their review a priority. This little device, on the other hand, has.I’ve only had one child and no major “damage” during delivery but I could still tell things were different down under. I used to use menstrual cups during my cycle and had no issue with them before childbirth, but after childbirth I could hardly wear them comfortably. Even the ones that were marketed as “post-childbirth.” I wasn’t having incontinence issues or anything of those sorts but I knew if I didn’t do something about this *now* that may start as I got older.I had tried the plastic squeez-y things and the weights you insert and walk around with them on. None of them seemed to make a very noticeable difference. I’m a bit oddly shaped inside (pelvis tilted forward and inverted uterus) so that may have been part of the reason. So when I saw this option on Amazon I thought it would be worth a try.I’ve been using it for at least 2 weeks now, almost every day, and I can honestly say that I can tell a difference. My cycle started last week (just a week into using it mind you!) and I could already wear the menstrual cup more comfortably. I started at 38 mAs and increase by a couple every few days. Yesterday I had them up to 50. The device goes to 99 mAs so I still have a decent amount of room for muscular improvement. While reading the instruction book it mentioned that the K-fit could be used during your cycle and could possibly help ease menstrual cramps. Well I gave that a try and found it to be true in my case!It doesn’t hurt – but it is a different kind of feeling. It takes some getting used to. That’s why they advise you to start with low mAs and increase it as you get more comfortable with the sensation.It is kind of a technical device. I haven’t read the instruction booklet closely enough to understand it as well as I should, but even with a basic understanding I’m still able to make it work for me. There are 10-12 different preset programs and I’m only doing one of them right now. I’m sure if I switched up the programs I’d get even better results. There are also options to customize your own program. All in all, a very well designed device that I believe could help a lot of women gain control of many different female woes. 🙂
29 people found this helpful
TRachelle –